My first thought was, I have ADHD so everything I do is a digression. My second thought (after I went back to sleep for a bit) is that digressions can be interpreted as interruptions, chosen, forces of positive or foul changes, internal / external / combo.

These are just raw notes.

Maybe colonialism was a “digression”.

Maybe my teenage great-grandmother was digressed into marriage.

Maybe creative digressions resist capitalism.

Maybe my haphazard creativity is a digression.

Like bees digress pollen and birds digress the seeds of future forests.

A digression as a choice might come from privilege.

Or it could be catalytic self-healing. Breaking intergenerational trauma.

Thank you for your question. I wished this was what uni was like. It mostly wasn’t! But there’s time in the the footnotes for dreams to happen!

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Very glad to hear these thoughts about digressing, Betty. Makes me think of the flaneur – similarly self-indulgent (privileged?) in many ways, but also seductively counter-cultural!

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